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Traveling gets easy with valid U.S. Visa: Turkey Tale

The year 2020 will remain etched on our minds for a whole lifetime. We all have different narratives to share - don't we? After a long wait, some of us are once again opting to travel, while others are still in two minds.

As I prepare myself for an upcoming trip to Himachal, let me look back for a bit and put up my travel stories from before the pandemic days. For some reason, I can't even begin to imagine the life we all had before Covid shattered us all - and the new normal that we've gotten used to. But let me not brood over it, and dive straight into my travel.

It was month of January, and right after I had quit my full-time corporate role. We were certain to take a 20-day break and travel someplace new. Now, if you've read my last post, you'd already know how quickly I plan my travel itinerary. It was not all that different this time either. I started on a clean slate - absolutely no clue as to which part of the map to explore. Something struck me immediately! How about narrow down our search based on the number of countries we can travel to using US Visa? There was a bunch of places which popped up during our search. We read and read - watched videos - went through itineraries of other travelers, and finally locked Turkey! Getting an e-visa was the quickest of all the other online visas we've had applied in the past. It took us three minutes to get our e-visas on our emails. Can you beat that? We found ourselves extremely lucky to have valid US visas to be able to avail this facility. Without the US visa, it just takes a bit longer and that extra trip to the nearest consulate to drop off your papers.

Click here to read everything about other countries that you may visit with a valid US Visa.

Once we had our e-visas issued, everything else followed seamlessly. We prepared an itinerary for 18 odd days, including our travel time in and out of the country - which by the way was far too less to explore Turkey. But it also gave us that opportunity to go back some day and visit the locations that got left out the first time.

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